Our Impact

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

We pledge to practice a high degree of social responsibility through our products and services. Routine health camps, Continual Medical Education Programs, Public awareness bulletin for the awareness of the public.

We act to make differences to the people in need through our giving. We look forward to collaborating with right associates to make meaningful differences in people’s lives.

Our Environment, Health and Safety Policy

At Ideal , we are totally committed to achieving excellence in Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) and conduct our activities in the most responsible manner.

EHS is a top priority in our corporate culture.

Our EHS Policy aims to create a safe and healthy workplace and a clean environment for employees and the community at large.

We have maintained highest international standards in plant design, equipment selection, maintenance and operations. We are fully committed that we will manufacture our products safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.

Our Environment, Health and Safety Policy
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