A Big and Bold Move by an Emerging Pharmaceutical Company.
An upcoming pharmaceutical company, Ideal pharmaceuticals is all set to launch in Nepalese Pharmaceutical market in a niche therapeutic segment, ophthalmological care. Domestic Pharmaceutical companies are quite reluctant in manufacturing medicines on eye care segment owing to the relatively smaller market size and dominance of multinational companies. “As a new company, we truly believe that, we should come up with something new and bold, entering into eye care segment showed sufficient promises,” shares Sarad Chandra Ojha, Executive Director of Ideal Pharmaceuticals.

As per market studies, ophthalmological market currently constitutes approx. 2% of Nepalese pharmaceutical market. Our dependency on multinational and Indian pharmaceutical companies has been costing a huge burden to national economy. “Right from the inception, we are eyeing to align our actions to reduce the import burden of the country. Our mission behind introducing in eye care segment is to take our country a step forward in self sufficiency of medicines,” noted Rajendra Prasad Dallakoti, Director Marketing and Sales.
We have made huge investments in the sterile facility, aspiring to maintain consistent quality in our products, added S.C. Ojha. Ideal pharmaceutical has collaborated and consulted with reputed multinational consultants in doing getting the right quality in the very first attempt. High tech air and water treatment systems has been installed adhering to national Good Manufacturing Practice and latest regulatory requirements.
Rajendra Dallakoti cited Steve jobs: “Pointing innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Ideal pharma looks forward to be a leader in ophthalmological care with bold and differentiated moves, innovative products and strategies, and high quality customer service.